2022 AIRMESS & ICAST Annual Congress


7th International congress on Adipose Stem Cell Treatment

December 3rd, 2022 – 08:30 to 17:30

Organized by:

  • SSCF: Swiss Stem Cell Foundation (
  • AIRMESS : Academy of International Regenerative Medicine & Surgery Society 

08:30-09:00 REGISTRATION and COFFEE Exhibit Hall

09:00-09:05 Welcome by Sophie Menkes and Gianni Soldati.

09:05-10:30 Symposium 1. Clinical Applications. Moderators: Sophie Menkes, Jeremy Magalon.

09:05-09:15 Rubina Alves, Dermatology and Venereology Trichology and Regenerative Medicine, Portugal. The mesograft analysis of the literature. Indications in dermatology.

09:15-09:25 Feng Lu, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China. My experience of treating Scleroderma with fat tissue. 9.25-9.35 John P.Cole, New York, Atlanta, USA. Regenerative medicine options and results for alopecia areata and cicatrici alopecia.

09:35-09:45 Katarina Andjelkov, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Regenerative advances toward female genital enhancement.

09:45-09:55 Barbara Hersant. Hôpital Henri Mondor, Créteil, France. Regenerative surgery for men.

09:55-10:05 Sophie Menkes. Nescens Clinique Genolier Switzerland. Millifat, Microfat, Stromal Vascular Tissue: Mechanical preparation, Lipoconcentrate gel, Topical washing buffer…Which product for which application?

10:05-10:30 Discussion.

 10:30-11:00 COFFEE BREAK – Exhibit Hall

11:00-12:30 Symposium 2. Clinical Applications and Medical Devices. 

Moderators: Katarina Andjelkov, Pietro Gentile.

11:00-11:20 Pietro Gentile, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Italy. The use of fat grafting obtained by minimal manipulation procedures in breast soft tissue defects: scientific results  based on enzymatic digestion versus centrifugation and filtration. 

11:20-12:10 Guy Magalon, University of Marseille, France. Automatic devices for fat harvesting. Videos

Mechanical Preparation of Fat, analysis of 7 kits. Videos.

12:10-12:30 Discussion.

12:30-14:00 LUNCH – Exhibit Hall

14:00-15:20 Symposium 3. Stem Cell Surgery. 

Moderators: Gianni Soldati and Florence Sabatier.

14:00-14:15 Guido Moll, BIH & Charité Berlin, Germany. Hemocompatibilty of Intravascular Cell Therapies: Time for New Clinical Guidelines.

14:15-14:30 Arnaud Scherberich, University of Basel, Switzerland. ADCs for bone regeneration: from engineering of osteogenic grafts to clinical applications.

14:30-14:45 Ann Lee Applegate, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Progenitor Cell Therapy Assisted Surgery: 25 years of experience and future prospects.

14:45-15:00 Kai Uwe Schlaudraff, Concept Clinic, Geneva, Switzerland. Pushing the frontiers in regenerative surgery. From nanofat to mechanical stromal vascular matrix to exosomes.

15:00-15:20 Discussion.

 15:20-15:50 COFFEE BREAK – Exhibit Hall 

15:50-17:10 Symposium 4. Exosomes. 

Moderators: Rubina Alves, John Cole

15:50-16.05 Florence Sabatier, University of Marseille France. Extracellular vesicles: characterization and therapeutic potential. 16.05-16.50 Byong S.Cho, Seoul, South Corea. Adipose Stem Cell Exosome (ASCE). Based Regenerative therapeutics & Aesthetics.

16:50-17:10 Discussion.

17:10-17:15 Closing remarks.